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Sales Interface: Unleash the Power of Analytics to Drive Sales

Sales Interface: Unleash the Power of Analytics to Drive Sales

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The new Analytics section of the UpTrader CRM Sales Interface revolutionizes how brokerage firms can delve into their business and client data with ease and precision. This powerful tool is divided into two main tabs: Clients and Managers, each designed to provide comprehensive insights tailored to different aspects of your business operations.


Clients Tab

The Clients tab presents a user-friendly table displaying critical information about your client base, such as their name, last seen date, total deposits (In), total withdrawals (Out), the net balance (In/Out), current balance, and the IB Partner associated with each client, alongside their status and any recent comments. 

Moreover, this section includes two intuitive charts. The New clients chart graphically represents the influx of new clients over time, while the In/Out chart offers a clear visual and numeric breakdown of deposit and withdrawal activities, helping you to immediately grasp trends in client transactions.


Managers Tab

Similarly, the Managers tab focuses on the performance and activities of your brokerage firm's managers. Here, each manager is listed with detailed metrics, including their ID, name, the total deposits and withdrawals handled, the net client transaction balance, the number of clients managed, and the count of open, closed, and total tasks assigned. An added feature aggregates the sum of all values in each column at the top, offering a quick glance at overarching trends and performance metrics.

This tab also allows for sorting of data, enabling managers to efficiently organize and prioritize their focus based on various performance indicators.


A Tool for Data-Driven Decisions

By providing an in-depth yet straightforward overview of both clients and business operations, the Analytics section stands out as a key feature for brokers aiming to make informed, data-driven decisions. Its user-centric design ensures that whether you are analyzing client activity or managing team performance, you have all the necessary tools at your disposal for enhancing efficiency and bolstering your firm's success.

Ready to unlock the full potential of your brokerage with these insights? Explore the Analytics section now, reach out to our team at [email protected] for a demo. 

Check out our video about this feature.



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